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April Community Newsletter

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The Urantia Book Fellowship

17 de abril de 2013 22:18
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The Urantia Book Fellowship

Community Newsletter April  2013

In This Issue
New Slogan Contest
Gazer's Guide
UB Outrech
Pipeline of Light
Upcoming Events

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Secretary General

Judicial Chair

Membership Chair

Interfaith Chair

Outreach Chair
Andrea Barnes 

International Chair
Buck Weimer

Education Chair
David Kulieke

Publications Chair
Linda Buselli

Finance Chair
John D. Hay

Youth and Young Adult Chair

General Council

Lara Amyx

Agustin Arellano

Andrea Barnes

Katharina Becker 

Lawrence J. Bowman

Dana Bredemeyer

Robert Bruyn

Linda Buselli

Robert Burns

Michael Challis  

Barry Clark

Emilio Coppola

Lenny Cowles  

Lila Dogim

Stephen Dreier

Tony Finstad

Cece Forrester

Janet Graham

John Hales

John Hay

Tim Hobbs

Merritt Horn

Paul Klaver

Michelle Klemish

David Kulieke

Charlene Morrow

Dolores L. Nice

Charles Olivea

Teuvo Orjala

Thomas Orjala

Cristina Seaborn

Cayce Snider

Paula Thompson

Angie Thurston

Arlene Weimer  

Buck Weimer


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New Slogan Contest For Fellowship

Uversa Press, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Fellowship, is embarking on a program to create a new slogan as part of the Fellowship's identifying mark. Presently our slogan is "Cultivating the Spirit of Religion", and we are asking for you to help us come up with a better one. We are going to use the same method of choosing a new slogan as we did in choosing our new cover and new logo several years ago. Basically, all slogan entries will be voted on by the General Council and culled down to 3 finalists. Then these will be voted on by the entire membership to determine the winner.


We are looking for a slogan that best describes the Fellowship and its purpose. Your entry should be no more than 7 words and preferably less. We hope our new slogan will be strong and peaceful; commanding and loving; bold and simple. Each person is only allowed to submit 3 slogans.


Although our funds are quite limited and this is really a labor of love, we will be able to award $500 for the top 3 finalists and an additional $500 for the slogan that wins.


Please send your slogans in an email to Paula Thompson at: 


Anyone can enter. All entries must be submitted by 5 pm MDT on Friday May 24, 2013. If two or more people submit the same slogan, the first person to submit that slogan will be entered into this contest.


We look forward to receiving your creative slogans.


God Bless,

John Hay - Chair, Uversa Press


The Internet Gazer's Guide to 
The Urantia Book

The Urantia Book Fellowship's 2013 Summer Study Session at Techny Towers will feature an "outreach service" strand as part of our seminar's theme "Our Gift to God the Father: Service to the Supreme". One of the featured workshops is "The Internet Gazer's Guide to The Urantia Book."


  Would you like to learn about existing, easy-to-use, internet resources and services that can serve your personal study and research of The Urantia Book along with other internet services that can be used for outreach and dissemination? This "low tech" workshop will include:

  • An overview of some important Urantia Book websites and their most interesting features;
  • Urantia Book resources that should be at your fingertips;
  • Suggestions for how YOU can disseminate The Urantia Book using existing internet services; and
  • A suggestion box so that you can share your ideas on expanding existing internet services, or even creating new ones.

Join fellow Urantia Book readers this summer at Techny Towers from July 10 - 14 for the best Summer Study Session ever! For more information and to register, go to:


Urantia Book Outreach

Healthy Living Expo Long Beach, California

March 1-3, 2013


Over the weekend of March 1-3, The Urantia Book Fellowship set up an outreach booth at the Healthy Living Expo. Many of the booths had health related products and services ranging from natural dentistry and local organic growers to nutritional items. There were also a few booths by local religious and new thought communities like Buddhism and Scientology.


The attendance was strong over the three days. We rarely got much of a break in the action.


We always look forward to introducing young people to the book and we were not disappointed at this event. We were overjoyed to inspire many young minds to take up reading The Urantia Book. Josh, (23) pictured with his mother, has already responded about how much he is enjoying reading his new book. He said he has spent a year looking for a better source of truth.


All told, we sold and/or gifted 54 Urantia Books in Long Beach and had a great time doing it.  


Thanks goes to all of you that support the work of the Outreach Committee and make this service to our fellows possible, be it with dollars, votes or smiles.


If you would like to do some outreach with the book in your area, contact the Fellowship's Outreach Committee and let us know.


Thomas Orjala

Member - Outreach Committee



Pipeline of Light Report


March 31, 2013

Dear Friends,

In the first quarter of 2013, Pipeline of Light volunteers placed one hundred and fifty-eight copies of The Urantia Book into eleven countries. Your donations to the Pipeline helped us deliver books to readers and study groups in Nigeria, Mexico, Kenya, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Chile, Pakistan, the United States, the Philippines, El Salvador, and Ecuador.


Current efforts bring our Pipeline all-time totals to three thousand, eight hundred and sixty-two books placed into seventy-five countries around the world.


We deeply appreciate the contributions of our volunteers and our donors.  If you would like to contribute to this work, donations can be made online at: 



Upcoming Events


To participate in Urantia Book related outreach events, conferences, worships, and retreats, check out our online calendar at: 



Urantia Family Reunion with Pato Banton

May 10 - May 12, 2013


Angel House Annual Retreat

May 17 - May 19, 20132


Outreach - Honolulu, HI

Body, Mind, Spirit Expo

May 18 - May 19, 2013


Cruise with Florida Students of The Urantia Book

May 22 - May 27, 2013


2013 Summer Study Session

Techny Towers, Chicago, IL

July 11 - July 14, 2013


General Council Meeting - SSS13

July 14 - July 15, 2013


Vancouver Island Urantia Friends Campout

Miracle Beach, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Aug 5 - Aug 9, 2013


United Urantia Family Festival

Yosemite, CA

Aug 20 - Aug 24, 2013  


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